Both the Beta and Dev are updated on a weekly basis. Beyond the Beta Channel is the Dev Channel, which is intended for web developers who want to test new features and APIs before they are widely available. Google Chrome is a fast, simple, and secure web browser, built for the modern web. The Beta Channel might have some additional bugs, as well as experimental features that might or might not eventually show up in the Beta Channel. For example, if the stable Google Chrome release is on version 100, the Beta Channel will be version 101. The next level out is the Beta Channel, where Google is testing the next major release of Chrome. As a side effect, it might take a few extra days for your PC to get the latest update in the Stable Channel. Google rolls out new updates to the Stable Channel in waves, so if a problem is detected, the update can be put on hold for everyone else while a fix is developed. When you download Google Chrome normally, you get the Stable Channel, which is the branch with the most testing and minimal bugs.
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